"In A .B. Reid’s historical novel The Roll of Honour, Royal Scot soldiers struggle to survive imprisonment in a Japanese POW camp while, back in Leith, a family grows and shrinks with each passing year...Both Alexandrena and Nick become their own kinds of wartime heroes through their sheer endurance, finding the key to survival in love, community, and the Scottish commitment to humor."
-Foreword Clarion Review ★★★★
-Foreword Clarion Review ★★★★
Inspired by the author’s ancestry, this epic novel explores love, tragedy, and resilience in the lives of a large family before, during, and after World War Two in Scotland... A testament to the strength of the human spirit amidst adversity, this book illustrates how people can rise to challenges and survive the most difficult of times, whether it’s a young woman faced with the grief of losing precious family members or a young soldier navigating the horrors of war.